Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The day I met my Mr.perfect

"Hey!!! Are you coming for snacks?"

one of my batch mates called out.
It was the beginning days of my career....
I was working for Mascon global, Bangalore. I was selected on campus and there were 75 of us from different colleges of karnataka. And we were on "so called" training. We used to glue ourselves to the seats in a training center and were going through long lengthy dry sessions; got nothing out of it except for the boredom. Morning 9 till evening 6 we used to attend the training sessions like school students, except for the fun part.

The happiest moments were mostly the coffee breaks, lunch break, group discussions and when the clock used to strike 6 in the evening. It was the time for snacks and we used to go to main office building, after that, going home!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was the routine, and there was nothing special about this routine until the day I saw him first.

“Wait, wait, I am coming too!!!!” I ran towards the main office building as usual with so much of eagerness to have snacks.
That road sucks man!!! With an open drainage and horrible smell. Doctors don’t required to use anesthesia for their patients; instead if they allow the patients to stand for a minute on this road that was enough to make the fellow unconscious for a week :)

As we had to pass that road within a minute to save ourselves from getting unconscious, we used to walk fast. (I wish I had participated in Olympics fast walking race, at least India would have got a medal in that category!!!! lol !!!!). We were in so much of hurry, wanted to grab and gulp “Hot n spicy Mirchi bajji” (as per that day’s menu).

As I walked down the stairways towards the cafeteria which was in one of the corners of parking lot and on another corner was a TT table. More than playing TT, guys were showing off their styles to impress girls :)

By the time a TT ball came spinning and hit my back. I was looking in all the directions to find out what hit me and from where.

By the time I could realize it’s a TT ball, a figure appeared in front of me and took the ball from my hand and went back to play his game. I had seen players getting bowled in cricket but here I was bowled out with a TT ball !!!!!!!!!!
I kept on staring at him. The way he talked, the way he smashed the ball, the way he stood. I could not chop his loop drive. I had surrendered myself completely to his styles. By the time, my friend dragged me towards the cafeteria.

I wished I could be there for another minute. I wished I could have another glimpse of him. I wished the TT ball would have hit me again. No body was aware of what was happening inside my mind ; not even that guy. A small current of thoughts about him started flowing in my mind. I even forgot to eat my favorite mirchi bajji. A nice beautiful song started in the background.(Jab se tere naina ... mere nainon se laage re .. yes u r right its a Romantic song :)) I was engrossed in my world completely.....

Triiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn trrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnn.....Trrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiinnnnnnn

I came back to the real world and all the credit goes to my Mobile’s lousy ring tone(though its not lousy always :)). I sipped the coffee receiving the call. But my mind was thinking about that guy. His amazing English accent, His cool spectacles. The blue jeans and Grey half sleeved shirts were of perfect match.

In one moment I thought, Oh man !!!!!!!!! he was the guy i was looking for.
In the next moment my inner voice said "No, he is not your cup of coffee......"
Yeah. That's right. I realized that a simple girl like me can only dream about such guy and its far from reality of having him as my life partner.
My mind, heart and conscience all were in sync for the first time in my life while accepting that.

Its been four long years now.If I look back, I smile at myself and I laugh at the way I was thinking that day. Sipping the coffee, holding my husband’s hand, today I tell myself "Yes, that guy was and is my cup of coffee" and I turn towards my husband, I look into his eyes with smile and think, "yes man, this is the guy who bowled me out of his TT ball".

Today I am married to the same guy on whom i had crush for the first time. But how and when will tell you sometime later... Till then ba bye ..............

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jab se tere naina ... mere nainon se laage re ..

I am amazed that how can this song come in the background......Saawariya was not released when u were in Mascon... ha ha ha